Honalo, Hawai'i

Below are our some of our favorite resources that will give you additional information on growing grapes in Hawai'i. Click on the resource to view the PDF.
Feel free to download those you find useful. We will be adding resources regularly so check back.
Citations from My Grape Research in Hawaii: By Gerry Herbert 2021.
2. Joseph L. Fennell was a “freelance” grape researcher from Florida in the 1930s and 1940s. He said, if you can’t grow grapes in an area, cross them with ones that will grow. We are trialing many of his varieties developed in Southern Florida, that have wild grape parents from the Everglades.
• “Inheritance Studies with the Tropical Grape” By Joseph L. Fennell -
The Journal of Heredity.
https://academic.oup.com/jhered/article-abstract/39/2/54/909737?redirectedFrom=fulltext NE
“A Biographical Profile of Joseph L. Fennell” By C.O. Forester Jr. Vitus Research & Development Corporation Elsa, Texas 1991 - Foerster1991.pdf
“Future Ideal Grapes” The Journal of Heredity. Pdf
“The Tropical Grape” Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Turrialba, Costa Rica - The Scientific Monthly.pdf
3. Lon Rombough is a grape researcher and grower in Oregon. The Book referenced below is the best “how-to” book on grapes that I have read.
• “The Grape Grower: A Guide to Organic Viticulture” 2002 - Available from Online Booksellers.
4. "Chateau Stripmine" from the University of Florida. This document lists the University of Florida grapes that have been developed for the subtropics. Parent lines that include wild grape genetics are listed by the varieties name. Gerry recommends this paper for all grape growers in Hawai'i. The list was created by an enthusiastic amateur grape grower and links to the UC Davis Grape Repository.
5. Francisco Wallington-Linares currently lives in Puerto Rico and is a Grape Researcher who has written extensively about subtropical grape production with many articles in Spanish.
• “Adaptive Viticulture in the Caribbean Basin” A Dissertation presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Francisco Wallington-Linares in 1990. https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00022161/00001
6. "Growing Grapes in Hawai’i” By Ken Love and Robert Paull CTAHR - 2014
7. The Best Bunch Grape Varieties From Trials. Kawanui Farm 2015-2022